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Intermediary in making stock exchange orders

Millennium BIG Bank GDAŃSKI as an intermediary in making stock exchange orders Millennium BIG Bank Gdański S.A. in cooperation with BIG-BG Brokerage House is launching a service which will enable giving instructions on issuing sell or buy securities orders in the Millennium network. The enhancement of the Millennium network product offer by availability of brokerage services is another step towards the implementation of the Bank strategy geared at providing full scope of services to retail clients. The new service will help Bank clients in managing their cash and in investing their savings more effectively.

Addressing the expectations of its clients, the Bank in cooperation with BIG-BG Brokerage House has launched a service which enables giving instructions on issuing sell or buy securities (stock and bonds) orders in the Millennium network.  The necessary condition for being able to give such instructions is having a checking and savings account with Millennium and an investment account with the Brokerage House.  If a client does not have an investment account, it can be opened through a branch.
The client, when executing an account agreement gives a power of attorney to perform tasks related to issuing and transferring sell and buy securities orders.  The power of attorney includes an authorization to activities related to trading in securities and financial means.  The implementation of client's instructions at a stock exchange is the responsibility of the brokerage House.  Buy securities orders can be effected directly from an investment account maintained by the Brokerage House or from money available from a checking and savings account.
Clients are advised of the status of their investment portfolio together with their monthly combined statement from the Bank, in addition, they each time get a transaction confirmation from the Brokerage House and monthly specification of all transactions in an investment account.
Orders to buy or sell stock and bonds can be submitted by a client directly at a Millennium branch or by phone at the client service call centre - Bankolinia.  Phone instructions are accepted from Monday to Friday, twenty-four hours a day, whereas at branches orders can be submitted during opening hours.  Hours of submitting instructions are adapted to schedules of stock exchange session and are explained in the Bank's offer.
BIG-BG Brokerage House has been operational since 1991 and according to the WSE 2000 Report it ranks second in terms of turnover among brokerage houses on the WSE.  Brokerage House clients are services through the network of 24 Client Service Points throughout the country.  The BIG-BG Brokerage House at present maintains over 52,000 investment accounts.
Millennium is a modern retail banking network of BIG Bank GDAŃSKI S.A.  At present, it has 182 branches nationwide and services 272,000 retail clients.