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Millennium generation in the world of finance and new technologies – conservative and focused on own needs

“Millennium generation in the world of finance and new technologies vs. X and Y generations” is the first report in Poland, which comprehensively presents financial habits of the generation, which is stepping into adulthood in the 21st century. According to the report i.a. Millennials – though considered to be a fully digital generation – are slowly learning and accepting payment innovations, while in life it is more important for them to be rather than to have.

The report was commissioned by Bank Millennium in result of the need to better understand the generation of people born in the 1980s and ‘90s, also known as generation Y – their financial needs and the attitude towards payment technology innovations, which are an important part of Bank Millennium’s strategy. 

- The study commissioned by Bank Millennium to be made of young people aged 20-32, known as the Millennium generation, was a revelation for us. We came to understand that they as a generation want to be rather than to have - Tomasz Misiak, Director of the Retail Banking Marketing Department in Bank Millennium commented on results of the Report. – They have a very conscious feeling about money and savings, but they accumulate them above all for travelling – this is what 60% of persons surveyed said. Next on the list is a car, which 50% are saving for, while a flat or house comes only third – Misiak added.

The Millennium generation unquestionably benefits from new technologies, which give them freedom, anonymity but also ease of access to their money. However as the “Millennium generation in the world of finance and new technologies vs. X and Y generations” report showed – they are slowly learning and accepting payment innovations. 

- New technologies provide Millennials first of all with a source of information, entertainment, playing, though not yet a way to manage finances. And though 85% of them consider themselves to be quite skilful with new technologies, nevertheless the hurtling progress of digitisation does not go hand-in-hand with their readiness to fully trust it and to take advantage of its benefits in payment methods. Although they want speed and convenience in day-to-day banking, they are slow to adopt new solutions – Misiak said.

The survey examined a representative sample of 1000 Poles aged 16-40. Its representative nature was observed as regards: age, sex, size of inhabited town/city and education.

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