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Authorised overdraft 30 days with no interest in Bank Millennium

Bank Millennium has launched the “30 days with no interest III” promotion, in which customers who decide to use the authorised overdraft will have interest waived for 30 days from disbursement. In the “Authorised overdraft for PLN 0” promotion customers will also not have to pay a limit disbursement fee. Additionally in the standard offer during subsequent months the overdraft may be utilised without interest during any 7 days in a month.

The “30 days with no interest III” promotion is available to all customers who do not have an authorised overdraft and apply for one and sign the agreement between 4 November 2017 and 28 February 2018 included. Under the promotion from the day of limit disbursement for 30 days customers will use the overdraft without interest. After the 30-day promo period is over under the bank’s standard offering customers will have interest waived if the utilise the overdraft up to any 7 days in a settlement month.

The “Authorised overdraft for PLN 0” promotion is available to all customers who are getting a new authorised overdraft. The promotion does not apply to an increase of current overdraft limit.

The “30 days with no interest III” promotion shall continue until 28 February 2018; the “Authorised overdraft for PLN 0” promotion shall continue until 31 January 2018. Promotion details are provided in regulations available in Millennium branches and on the website


A representative example for the commission-free Authorised overdraft and promotion Authorised overdraft „30 dni bez odsetek III” („30 days without interest III”): Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is 9,52%, total overdraft amount (without credited costs): 5756,79 PLN, total outstanding amount: 6284,50 PLN, variable interest rate 10%, total cost of the overdraft: 527,71 PLN (including: commission 0,00% (0 PLN), interest 527,71 PLN, additional services 0 PLN, including: insurance 0 PLN, 0 PLN – fee for Konto 360° account, in case of booking on the account min. 1000 PLN of external inflows and min. 1 card payment/BLIK per month; otherwise the monthly account fee is 8 PLN), overdraft term: 12 months, the overdraft is fully utilised throughout the overdraft term, monthly interest payments and principal bullet payment at the end of the term. The calculation was performed as at 24.10.2017 on a representative example.

For the details of the special offer and Authorised overdraft, including commissions and interest, see „Limit w koncie osobistym za 0 PLN” Special Offer Regulations, „Limit 30 dni bez odsetek III” Promotion Regulations, Regulations on provision of banking services to individuals at Bank Millennium S.A. and Price List – fees, commissions and interest rates for credit products. For the details of the personal account and card offer, see Price List and Regulations on provision of banking services to individuals at Bank Millennium S.A. The above-mentioned documents are available at the Bank’s branches and at

Interest for utilisation of the Authorised overdraft - Personal Account is collected in monthly settlement cycles, for the period from the last day of the previous month to the last-but one day of the current month. If the Authorised overdraft - Personal Account is utilised within up to 7 days in the monthly settlement cycle, the interest rate is not accrued (it concerns Authorised overdrafts - Personal Account up to 150 000 PLN). If the Authorised overdraft - Personal Account is utilised for more than 7 days, the interest rate is accrued for all the days of Overdraft utilisation, while the accrued interest is collected on the last business day of the month. Every time before granting Authorised overdraft, the Bank assesses Applicant’s credit capacity and credit worthiness; in justified cases, it may refuse to grant it. The minimum amount of the Authorised overdraft is 500 PLN.