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Technological loan with non-returnable bonus available at Bank Millennium

Companies can already apply at Bank Millennium for a technological loan, which allows them to obtain co-financing in the form of a non-returnable technological bonus of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. The bank offers financing, the enrolment of applications for bonuses is carried out by BGK.

The Technological Loan is a continuation of the competition known in the past as Loan for technological innovations. It makes it possible to obtain co-financing of up to 70% of eligible investment costs, consisting in the implementation of a new technology, understood as any significant and beneficial change in the process that was not previously used in the enterprise, and which at the same time causes improvement of the features of the manufactured product or service provided. The condition for participation in the competition is to have a credit decision in principle or a conditional technological loan agreement, at the latest on the day of submitting the application.

The role of Bank Millennium is to provide financing for the future project.

– It is worth remembering that regardless of the planned date of enrolment for a specific project, it is worth starting conceptual work as early as possible. Success is the result of well-prepared projects, widely consulted within the organisation, with the support of external specialists. Competition among applying companies is very strong, many of them have been holding off their investment plans for a long time waiting for new funding opportunities. Only the best-rated applications will be able to count on a positive assessment and receiving a decision to grant the subsidy – says Agnieszka Kwiatkowska, an expert in the Credit Products and Process Team in the Corporate Banking Marketing Department.

- Project partnerships with EU funding are a standard element of the model in which we work. However, along with the new perspective, we decided to become more involved in substantive support for companies. Our European funds experts help companies in the initial analysis of the possibilities of obtaining subsidies. They also comprehensively analyse programmes and their schedules as well as competition criteria to be able to suggest the best solutions for a given company – adds Kinga Ladachowska, expert of the EU Funds Competence Centre in Bank Millennium.

The key assumption of the Technological Loan competition is the implementation of a new technology. It must meet several criteria: it should be owned by the company (it can be an acquired technology); its technical advantages in relation to solutions currently used on the market should result from the unique idea of the creator; is not currently applied at company level; the change is technically significant and improves process parameters; it is a trade secret - it is not common knowledge.

The minimum required own contribution in the case of a technological loan is 10% of the loan amount.

The technology bonus granted by BGK repays part of the principal of the bank loan. This solution allows the bank to take into account the bonus in assessing the company's creditworthiness, it also gives the company the opportunity to obtain a higher amount of project financing.

BGK collects competition applications from 23 March to 31 May, 2023. Currently, it is the only competition planned under the European Funds for a Modern Economy (FENG) programme.

For more information about assumptions and terms of the competition please contact Corporate Banking Relationship Managers.