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Millennium Visa economic tops the ranking list of "Forbes" monthly

Bank Millennium credit cards have definitely dominated the ranking list of economy credit cards of the "Forbes" monthly. Millennium Visa economic topped the ranking list, Millennium American Express credit card came fourth and Millennium Visa Classic was seventh.

This is already the second victory of the Millennium Visa economic credit card on ranking lists published by opinion-leading mass media in Poland. In May 2005 the Millennium Visa economic card of Bank Millennium won in two out of three credit card rankings by "Rzeczpospolita".
The victory of the Millennium Visa economic credit card was determined i.a. by the availability of an individually negotiated limit, low cost of issue and attractive interest rate on the credit. Further advantages of the card are as follows: low required income, straightforward application procedure, informing the customer about transactions done by him via "MilleSMS" message alerts, the programme "Gain 3%", as well as an extensive insurance package.
To get a Millennium Visa economic credit card one does need to have a current account with Bank Millennium. In many cases it is also not necessary to present a salary statement. A customer can get the Millennium Visa economic credit card after delivering billing statements on a credit card from another bank from the last three months.
The Millennium Visa economic credit card permits making both daily payments as well as covering major unexpected expenses. The interest-free period is 50 days, thanks to which the customer can freely plan the time to repay the card credit. The customer him/herself decide when and in what amount to use the credit. The minimum monthly payment is 5% of the debt balance.
Current control of spending with the card is possible at any time via the Internet, Bankolinia, "MilleSMS" service and in monthly statements. Customers may take advantage of the "Gain 3%" programme. If after a year of using the Card the customer's average monthly debt balance on the credit card account is greater than PLN 500 and has not been repaid, the Bank will transfer to the Card account an amount equal to 3% of the monthly average debt. The program runs as of the day of entering into the agreement.
The extensive insurance package gives Millennium Visa economic credit card holders a feeling of security. If the card gets stolen, it may be immediately cancelled. Additionally cover is provided, under which the policyholder assumes liability for all transactions done with the card 72 hours before it was cancelled. The bank also offers cash robbery cover, purchased goods insurance, cover for costs of medical treatment abroad up to EUR 15,000 as well as cover under the "Sure Payment" package (the cardholder doesn't have to worry about repaying the credit in case of such contingencies as job loss). 
The application for a Millennium Visa economic card can be submitted on-line:, by calling tel. 0 801 125 000 or in the nearest branch of Bank Millennium.