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Innovative package for companies from Bank Millennium

Bank Millennium developed for its Business segment clients Smart Terminal Plus Package which includes a state-of-the-art, multi-function payment terminal with a mobile sales application and an online wireless fiscal printer. The set is an alternative for a cash register - it supports transaction registration and is an intuitive system for product and sales management.

The entrepreneur who takes advantage of the package receives a modern sales tool with an innovative NexGo N3 terminal, advanced sales application Novitus Bill and a compact fiscal printer DEON Online, delivered during installation of the terminal. Smart Terminal Plus allows managing your products, managing database of goods, quick sales, adding and configuring new goods, setting prices, discounts, report generation, and thanks to analysis of sales, receipts and fiscal data, also efficient cost review and optimization.

- The package facilitates running and growing your business. In its development we focussed on the entrepreneurs’ needs and experience in digitisation. In this sense, Smart Terminal Plus is a unique market solution making your business simpler and more mobile – says Anna Wydrzyńska-Czosnyka, head of the business client subunit at Bank Millennium.

Smart Terminal Plus features state-of-the-art technology which is an alternative for an ordinary cash register. It ensures fast and simple GSM connection with the Central Cash Register Repository.

- For years, we have combined innovation with designing services that go beyond the strictly banking area. The new package for companies not only makes your everyday business easier, but it is also a tool for our clients to build modern and competitive business. Apart from our to-date projects in digital channels, such as credit processes or opening current and FX accounts, it is yet another step to develop a comprehensive offer for clients who run their own businesses - says Hanna Tobiańska from the Electronic Banking Department in Bank Millennium.

Bank Millennium offers its Smart Terminal Plus Package as a special offer. The cost of the payment terminal is only PLN 39 net per month (it may be covered with a subsidy from the Cashless Poland program), cost of Novitus Bill app is PLN 24.90 net per month. The cost of DEON Online printer is for the Bank Millennium clients PLN 400 lower on a one-off basis. New clients will also get a free-of-charge Konto Mój Biznes account and FX accounts for 2 years. Additionally, upon fulfilment of some specific conditions, entrepreneurs may even receive a bonus of PLN 1500.

Client who wants to use Smart Terminal Plus Package signs a trilateral a contract for the lease of the NexGo N3 terminal with Novitus Bill app and installation with assistance of a service technician. After signing the agreement, the client gets a discount for the purchase of the fiscal printer. The fiscal printer is sold during installation of the payment terminal - a qualified service technician with fiscal authorisation will configure the devices and train the client in their operation.

Smart Terminal Plus Package is addressed to companies from the commercial and service sector, and it fulfils the requirements of the Corporate Income Tax Act which stipulates an obligation to integrate your payment terminal with cash register.

For more details visit our website