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Financing with BGK guarantee available again to Millennium Leasing clients

Thanks to Millennium Leasing cooperation with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) companies from the SME sector have an opportunity to take advantage of a special for of security for leasing agreements - the NGK guarantee. The enterprise support programme has been extended until the end of 2022.

Leasing with BGK guarantee provides clients, in the first place, with opportunity to obtain better conditions of the agreement - longer financing term, lower margin, higher amount of leasing and financing of non-standard items. Financing of transactions at special terms and conditions will enhance access to capital and support development capacity of companies in changing economic situation prevailing on the market. The BGK guarantee may cover up to 80 per cent. of a leasing transaction, with maximum financing tenor of 10 years.

By the end of June 2022 of the year Millennium Leasing concluded agreements secured by BGK guarantees to the total of 127,43 mln PLN.

- Millennium Leasing takes part in all programmes providing support to clients of the leasing industry. Besides cooperation with BGK, we were the first to conclude agreement with ARP Leasing on provision of support to entities from the transport sector suffering from the effects of the pandemic and this year we signed an agreement with Bank Ochrony Środowiska and joined the „Mój Elektryk” programme. Thus, our clients will be able to obtain financing so support leasing of zero-emission vehicles as high as up to 70 thous. PLN – informed Marcin Balicki, Chairman of the Management Board of Millennium Leasing.

Financing with BGK guarantee uses the support from the guarantee instrument i.e. Pan-European Guarantee Fund implemented by the European Investment Fund with financial support from Member States. Guarantees are granted under implementation of the Government Programme „Support to Enterprise with Use of Sureties and Guarantees of the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego”.