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Bank Millennium wins Portfel Wprost

Bank Millennium has won in the credit card for private customer category of “Portfel Roku Tygodnika Wprost 2015” (2015 Portfolio of the Year of Wprost Weekly) awards. The chapter of the competition selected the Millennium Alfa card for men.

- Millennium Alfa is an unique proposal on the Polish market. We prepared it specifically with men in mind. While working on the card concept we also did research, which helped us come up with a card with features wanted by men today. We are glad that Millennium Alfa is a card, which both customers as well as independent experts appreciate. - Wojciech Małaszewicz, Head of Payment Cards Sub-unit in Bank Millennium.

“Portfel Roku Tygodnika Wprost” is an award for best companies in the financial sector. Winners were selected in result of two-stage screening at brand recognition, adaptation of the offer to market needs, offer transparency to the customer, fees and commissions, customer service quality, loyalty policy as well as loyalty and trust of customers.

Millennium Alfa is addressed to men. Cards holders can count on refund of 5% of the value of payments made in Partners’ shops, up to as much as PLN 760 per year. The card partners offer products and services, which men use regularly: household items, auto parts, entertainment, sports and recreation, travel, jewellery and cosmetics.

The card comes with the optional Pakiet Assistance Alfa, which provides assistance in many unexpected situations. Under the Package following services will be provided e.g. roadside vehicle repair and towing; repair of consumer electronics and home appliances; computer hardware or the assistance of a specialist in case of an Act of God and in case of sudden illness of the customer or family – medical assistance including home visit of a doctor.

Offer details, including rules for using the credit card as well as information about payments, are stipulated in the Regulations for Credit Cards Issued by Bank Millennium as well as the Price List – Credit Cards, available at and in Millennium branches all over Poland.