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Bank Millennium supports Paralympians

For the second time, as part of support for Paralympic athletes preparing to compete in the Olympic Games in Paris, Bank Millennium funded a scholarship for one of the athletes. The Bank contributed to the relevant fundraising in cooperation with Martyna Wojciechowska’s foundation „Unaweza” and #CorinneRunsForGood campaign.

To support the #CorinneRunsForGood campaign, its initiator decided to run one of the heaviest ultramarathons in the world 4 DESERTS RUN, which consists of runs through 4 deserts - a total of a thousand kilometres in extremely difficult conditions. There are only 3 days left to run (the beginning of the 4 DESERTS RUN on September 25).

- Also this year, we want to support Paralympian women and, together with the Unaweza Foundation, enable them to continue their sporting and life successes. Again, we say a great YES to the action #CorinneRunsForGood and we are funding a scholarship for one of 8 Polish and 2 Ukrainian athletes. This year, due to the war in Ukraine, we also support athletes from this country who, despite the nightmare of war, still want to fight for their condition and Olympic medals. I believe they will make their dreams come true and the scholarship will help them prepare fantastically for the Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024. I am keeping fingers crossed for them! - Joao Bras Jorge, Chairman of the Management Board of Bank Millennium, said.

Women with disabilities who despite struggling with their barriers train hard to win a medal at the Paralympic Games as well as Corinne Klajda - a runner who decided to run one of the heaviest ultramarathons in the world to interest others in the situation of Paralympic women, could not remain indifferent to the Bank

This year, the Bank again provided the Unaweza foundation with funds to cover the costs of a one-and-a-half-year scholarship for one of the parasportswomen, this time from Ukraine. - We understand charity as a real, true commitment and helping the most needy, and this year they are certainly Ukrainian men and women, citizens of the nation fighting against a real threat. Due to the war, we support an athlete from Ukraine who, despite the nightmare of war, still wants to fight for her condition and Olympic medal. We are convinced that she will be successful – added Iwona Jarzębska, Director of the PR Department at Bank Millennium.

Corinne Klajda comes from Mauritius, from where in 1989 she went on a scholarship to China. There she met her husband, Mark. She has been living in Poland for over 20 years, where she swallowed the bug of running and began to think intensively about how to help others by running. It was then that the idea of supporting women and charitable fundraising was born. She contacted Martyna Wojciechowska's Unaweza Foundation, became an ambassador of Polish Paralympic athletes and thus the #CorinneRunsForGood campaign was created.