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Bank Millennium analysts among the best

The Macroeconomic Analyses Office in Bank Millennium (Grzegorz Maliszewski, Urszula Kryńska and Mateusz Sutowicz) came up 2nd in the competition for Best Macroeconomic Analyst 2015 in the GDP Forecasts category, organised by the National Bank of Poland and the “Rzeczpospolita” daily. Additionally the Bank Millennium analysts were 4th on the general ranking list.

- 2015 was not an easy year to forecast, because it abounded in numerous changes of sentiment in Poland’s economy, largely under influence of the external environment. Thus not only is the 2nd place in GDP highly welcome, but particularly good is the 4th place in the general classification. Our satisfaction at this recognition is all the greater, seeing as it is another award in a series, which Bank Millennium economists have received in recent years for accuracy of their forecasts – Grzegorz Maliszewski, Head of Macroeconomic Analyses Office in Bank Millennium said.

The contenders were forecasting five macroeconomic ratios: GDP change, investment change, change of Consumer Price Index (CPI), unemployment rate and current account. Forecasts submitted towards the end of every quarter, looking 4 quarters ahead, are evaluated from the point of view of actual value of a particular ratio as well as the median of participants’ expectations. The biggest weight is given to the earliest forecasts.

The completion is organised by “Rzeczpospolita” and “Parkiet” dailies in cooperation with the National Bank of Poland since 2007. In this year’s edition more than 60 analysts and analytical teams took part, representing financial institutions, analysis centres as well as other organisations.