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#MobilnyPortretPolaka: Shopping with a smartphone

People in Poland willingly use their smartphones to make purchases and to order services – claims Bank Millennium’s #MobilnyPortretPolaka survey. We buy products from online shops, order food, a taxi or book a hotel via mobile. We even use a phone to pay for city transport tickets and car parking. We use a mobile app to pay for online purchases – 75% of mobile banking users pay in this way.

During last year 71% of smartphone users made purchases or ordered a service using the phone. 40% bought an item from an online shop, almost just as many ordered food to be delivered. 34% ordered a taxi or car by mobile, 21% booked a bed or hotel. 16% declared they bought a coach or railway ticket, while 13% said they purchased a city transport ticket. Already 7% users pay mobile for car parking.

Which of the following did you do last year using a smartphone / phone (data in %)

We use the phone to buy many things we need every day. No less than 47% smartphone users buy clothing and footwear. 45% buy books, 33% buy cosmetics and 25% buy consumer electronics. We also purchase home appliances (19%), groceries (18%), items for children (17%), medicines and supplements (16%), games (13%), furniture (6%) and other.

What did you buy with your smartphone/phone last year (data in %)

- Shopping and loyalty programmes are also moving now to mobile banking apps. In our opinion in the next few years apart from new functionalities also “points of sale” or connections with goodie-type smartshopping platforms will appear in them. Such tools aggregate information about discounts, promotions and rebate programmes and support smart shopping. For example according to the #finanseprzyszlosci survey 78% of people polled expect to buy clothing using a banking app, which will tell them where to shop to get a lower price and a better deal. - Iwona Jarzębska, Director of the Public Relations Department in Bank Millennium, said.

Metrics of the #MobilnyPortretPolaka survey: the survey was carried out by Instytut Badań Rynkowych i Społecznych IBRiS for Bank Millennium in December 2017 on a representative nationwide sample of 1000 Poles aged 18 and above. Survey technique: CATI.

Metrics of the #finanseprzyszlosci survey: the survey was carried out by Instytut Badań Rynkowych i Społecznych IBRiS for Bank Millennium between 27 November and 1 December 2017 on a representative nationwide sample of 1000 Poles aged 18 to 60, who declared they have a bank account. Survey technique: CATI.