About the product

Depozyt w Duecie inwestycyjnym is an exceptional offer of a suite of products, which you can be set-up starting from as low as PLN 2000.
Allocated funds are divided:

  • 50% to a 3- or 6-month Depozyt w Duecie term deposit with an attractive interest rate
  • 50% in a selected subfund under Plan Inwestycyjny Millennium FIO

Maximum investment amount is PLN 200 000 (PLN 100 000 on a term deposit + 100 000 PLN in a selected investment fund). You can have maximum 1 deposit of the given period (maximum one 3-month term deposit and one 6-month term deposit).

Additional information about Plan Inwestycyjny Millennium FIO

  • you can choose between 6 Millennium TFI subfunds with various investment strategies available under Millennium FIO fund
  • B-category participation units available
  • you can exchange an unlimited number of participation units in Millennium FIO fund - under one Plan a participant can have only 1 subfund
  • if you place an order for repurchase of Subfund participation units, acquired under the Plan Inwestycyjny Millennium FIO, a handling fee may be collected in keeping with the valid Tabelą Opłat Manipulacyjnych Funduszy Millennium
  • if complete or partial redemption of participation units acquired under Plan Inwestycyjny Millennium FIO is made before the date of maturity of the associated term deposit, Plan will be terminated and the participation units will be saved on the new register not featured in the Plan

Find out more about Millennium TFI funds

More about benefits, restrictions and risks involved with sales of the product suite (cross-selling) is available under MIFID in the Cross Selling.

Interet rate

The Depozyt w Duecie term deposit part

DepositInterest rate
3-month term deposit1,00% per annum
6-month term deposit1,00% per annum

Maximum term deposit amount 100 000 PLN

You can have maximum 1 deposit of the given period (maximum one 3-month term deposit and one 6-month term deposit)

Millennium FIO subfunds available in Plan Inwestycyjny Millennium FIO:

  1. Millennium FIO Subfundusz Dynamicznych Spółek
  2. Millennium FIO Subfundusz Akcji
  3. Millennium FIO Subfundusz Cyklu Koniunkturalnego
  4. Millennium FIO Subfundusz Stabilnego Wzrostu
  5. Millennium FIO Subfundusz Instrumentów Dłużnych
  6. Millennium FIO Subfundusz Obligacji Klasyczny

Quotations of mutual funds managed by Millennium TFI


Handling fees involved with Plan Inwestycyjny Millennium FIO:

  • if you place an order for repurchase of Subfund participation units acquired under Plan Inwestycyjny Millennium FIO, a handling fee may be collected depending on the period of the investment
  • fees involved with investments in Millennium funds are stipulated in the valid Table of Handling Fees of Millennium Funds



Financial transactions involve risk presented in “Description of Risk Involved with Financial Instruments and Products for Private Persons in Bank Millennium S.A.", available in branches and on the Bank’s website www.bankmillennium.pl.

Investing in funds involves risk of a loss as well as the obligation to pay handling fees and income tax. The Fund does not guarantee attainment of the investment goal or a specific investment result. The net value of funds’ assets is highly volatile due to the composition of the investment portfolio. The issuer, surety or guarantor of securities, which make up more than 35% of assets of Millennium Funds (except Millennium SFIO) may be the State Treasury, NBP, US government, European Central Bank or the European Investment Bank.

What is Mutual Fund?

Mutual Fund – is an entity with legal personality operating under the Act of 27 May 2004 on mutual funds. A mutual fund’s sole business is to invest monies collected publicly or privately in securities and other property rights stipulated in the Act.

In exchange for money paid into the fund the investors receive participation units. Their number reflects the proportional share of a participant in the mutual fund’s assets. With a pre-defined frequency the mutual funds determines the value of participation units i.e. calculates fund assets net value per participation unit. For this purpose the fund valuates the investment portfolio and then divides the amount by the number of participation units due to all participants. The value of a participation unit may change during each valuation day.

Following risks are involved with an investment in mutual funds

  • Sector risk
  • Credit risk
  • Risk of short-term price changes
  • FX risk
  • Risk of non-admission of the issuer’s securities to trading on the regulated market
  • Liquidity risk
  • Tax risk
  • Legal risk
  • Settlement risk
  • Market risk
  • Interest rate risk
  • Loss-of-capital risk
  • Risk involved with concentration of assets or markets
  • Amount of fees
  • Product complexity

Prior to making an investment the information about funds should be read, including financial data and description of risk factors, which are contained in Prospectuses and in Key Information for Investors (KII), available together with the Funds’ fees table in Bank Millennium branches, in the offices of Millennium TFI SA as well as online at www.millenniumtfi.pl.

Information about BFG protection

Funds deposited on accounts in the Bank, the total value of which funds does not exceed the equivalent of EUR 100,000, irrespective of the number of accounts held in the Bank, are protected by Banking Guarantee Fund, in keeping with the Act of 10 June 2016 on Banking Guarantee Fund, system of protection of deposits and compulsory restructuring (Journal of Laws 2016.996, as amended). Eligible for protection are deposits and receivables of entities indicated in art. 20 of the a/m Act. Meanwhile funds invested in Millennium TFI mutual funds are not protected by Banking Guarantee Fund.

Other important information

Any and all information contained in this COMMERCIAL PUBLICATION is purely of information nature and constitutes neither an offering in the meaning of the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code, nor an invitation addressed to anyone (or any group of people) to conclude transactions on financial instruments presented in it. In particular the information is not a service of investment, financial, tax, legal or any other advice. Any investment decision should be taken on the basis of information contained in prospectuses, Plan Inwestycyjny Millennium FIO Regulations, List of benefits, restrictions and risks connected with the product Depozyt W Duecie linked with Plan Inwestycyjny Millennium FIO and Key Information for Investors (KII), and not the abbreviated description contained herein.

Dissemination, distribution and trading of some financial products may be subject to restrictions with respect to certain persons and countries, in keeping with relevant legislation. Offering and trading of financial instruments may be done only in compliance with relevant legal regulations.


Markets in Financial Instruments Directive

What is MiFID?

Look here to find basic information about MiFID.

Client classification

Read about Client classification rules and the Bank's obligations.

Appropriateness assessment

We will check, which financial instruments and products and investment services are appropriate for you.

Risk description

Read about the nature of financial instruments and products and related risks.

Conflict of interests

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