To be successful in professional work it is not enough to graduate from university. Times we live in require us to continuously develop our own competences and to catch up with continuous changes.

Develop your potential

Specialist training or completion of MBA course will help you more effectively work and manage a team or a company. This way you can speed up your promotion and they will become a source of personal satisfaction for you. Remember, these courses are not cheap and think how to finance them…

Financing your development

Bank Millennium can help you achieve your objective. We offer you saving products with attractive interest rates helping you save the amount you need or a simple loan. You can also combine the two options.

Tailor-made products to meet your needs

Cash Loan

Ideal way to obtain funding to finance your on-going needs with expected regular inflows and pre-defined repayment schedule.


Increases available funds on your account without the need to declare purpose of the borrowing. You can use overdraft in any way and at any time you like.

Saving account Twój Cel

Convenient saving account with attractive interest rate. You have a free hand to define the objective you save for and track progress.

Need more informations?

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