You are likely to reach out for your payment card several times each day when making payments. You log on to your account, order Internet transfers, check transaction history. From time to time you can also meet your Advisor.

Every day bank

Bank is with you every day to support you, offering a broad range of savings, credit and settlement products. Choose solutions that meet your needs best in a given moment in time.

Your personal Advisor

Your finances are taken care of by experienced and perfectly prepared Advisors to help you choose appropriate products, deliver information and present new products and services. You can meet them in exclusive Prestige branches in a modern layout making you feel safe and handle your business in confidentiality.

Electronic channels

If you prefer to bank at home, you can use internet banking system Millenet or telephone service Prestige Line. Mobile app for smartphone and tablet enables the access to your accounts from any place and at any time.

Tailor-made products to meet your needs

Prestige Personal Account

Foundation of the Client – Bank financial relationship. What counts is convenience and unlimited access round the clock.


Increases available funds on your account without the need to declare purpose of the borrowing. You can use overdraft in any way and at any time you like.

Credit card

Provides financial freedom and many practical privileges. When using the card to pay, you can use interest-free credit for up to 51 days.

Finance Manager

Helps manage your personal finances comprehensively, facilitating control of your expenses and savings.

Need more informations?

Contact with Prestige Advisor

Prestige Line

801 12 7000

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