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New generation banking

Adjust Millenet to your needs and make everyday banking much easier with helpful Widgets

How to log in to Millenet

  1. 1

    Get your Millekod ready – you will find it in the mobile app, or account agreement, or in the electronic banking agreement. Logging in for the first time? Check how to start

  2. 2

    If you don’t remember your Millekod or Password 1, you can retrieve them online using LOGIN PROBLEM option, or call 801 127 000, or you can come to our branch.

  3. 3

    Log in on our website – enter Millekod, Password 1 and indicated characters of your identity document or PESEL number.

    Log in to to Millenet

Access and login

Millenet is an Internet banking service which provides full Internet access to your account and other banking products.

  • Access to the system

    If you don't have the access to your account in Millenet, visit the Bank's branch and apply for granting access.

  • MilleKod

    After signing the application, you'll receive a MilleKod to log in to the Millenet. Additionally, you can define a daily limit for transactions performed in Millenet.

  • Login

    Log in for the first time using MilleKod, Temporary P@ssword (defined when applying for the account) and two characters from the identifier. Confirm first login with SMS P@ssword sent to your phone number.

  • Authorisation

    Some operations carried out in Millenet require authorisation. Confirming operations in Millenet takes place with the use of SMS P@sswords or via Mobile Authorization in the app.

Find out more about SMS P@sswords


Millenet gives you:

  • a wide range of modern banking and non-bank services
  • 7/24 access to information about accounts
  • security thanks to numerous security solutions and transaction notifications
  • convenience and comfort of use
  • full control over your finances
  • time and cost savings


You can update your mailing address and ID card details conveniently in mobile app or Millenet.

Finance Manager

It's a free service which enables household finance managing. Thanks to the Finance Manager you can easily control your expenses and manage savings.

  • Graphic analyses

    analysis results presentation in the form of charts

  • Household budget

    current income to expenses ratio

  • Creating the budget

    defining spending limit for particular categories and sub-categories

Transaction history
in your style!

You make a number of transactions every day. In Millenet, you can add attachments to the transaction (e.g. receipt or invoice) or tag it (e.g. #holiday) in order to find everything easier.

  • no need to look for a receipt when you want to return your shopping
  • control your spendings thanks to tagging
  • save comments by adding a note to transaction
Find out more About transaction history

Top up a phone and profit from numerous promotions!

Virtual advisor

Get direct support for registered users in Millenet by screen sharing service.

Virtual Advisor

Get immediate help of our consultant

24 hours, 7 days a week

Using the online help doesn't require installing any software

Browser settings

For security reasons, use recommended browsers to log in to Millenet system - Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera. You can download them for free from the Internet.

Logging in to Millenet is possible using older software, however some of the functions may not be available or part of the content may be displayed incorrectly. Remember to keep your browser up to date and use the latest available version.