Conveniently settle your tax online

Confirm your identity in Your e-PIT service with Millennium ID via Millenet

We know your time is precious. That is why we made sure you can handle administrative matters quickly and free of charge directly through your internet banking.

MilleAdministration gives you, among other things, the possibility to file applications, access public administration websites and information on your social insurance:

  • at any time that is convenient to you
  • without having to visit public offices and institutions in person
  • with no additional logins, passwords and data required

Take advantage of MilleAdministration 24/7. Log in to your Millenet account and select MilleAdministration tab.

Apply via MilleUrząd

Family 800+

Apply for government child benefit scheme. You don't have to send documents by mail or visit the public office in person - we will transmit your application to the competent office, and you will receive an e-mail confirmation once your application is filed.

template.externalLink.desc Apply Family 800+ More Family 800+

Family Care Capital

New benefit for the second and subsequent child in the family. You can conveniently submit the application for the benefit through Millenet internet banking and our mobile app.

More o: Rodzinny Kapitał Opiekuńczy

Nursery benefit

A nursery benefit is granted for a child who attends a nursery, children's club or is under the care of a child care provider. You will find the application for the benefit in the menu in MilleAdministration tab, both in Millenet and in the mobile app.


Good Start 300+

Apply for Good Start 300+ benefit conveniently through Millenet. All you have to do is complete the form correctly and you will receive the benefit within max. 2 months.

template.externalLink.desc More about Good Start 300+

Millennium ID and Trusted Profile

Millennium ID is a new way of logging in to the public administration websites that replaced a Trusted Profile in the Bank. With Millennium ID you have even more possibilities, because you can confirm your identity in some commercial services and for example conclude new agreements. Many matters that previously required your personal visit, can now be dealt with via the internet.

More about millennium ID

Electronic Services Platform (PUE) ZUS

Log in to electronic Services Platform (PUE) of the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) just as you log in to your Bank. Gain instant access to information on paid contributions, allocated benefits etc. both as an employee and an employer. Check your projected old-age pension, verify your open pension fund and many more.

More about PUE ZUS

Supporting Benefit for People with Disabilities

A benefit for adults with a disability. Apply for the benefit on Millenet and our mobile app.

template.externalLink.desc APPLY Supporting Benefit More About: Supporting Benefit