We have to provide for sunny old age ourselves. The sooner you undertake necessary actions, the sooner you will become certain to enjoy, in future, pleasures in your life you have no time for today.

Your investment portfolio

In our offer you will find a wide range of traditional forms of savings and investment products offering diverse earning potential and risk levels. Appropriate choice will help you build a well-diversified investment portfolio adjusted to your profile.

Financial liquidity

If needed, appropriate credit products will help you retain financial liquidity without exposure to losses connected with early investment termination.

Tailor-made products to meet your needs

Investment and insurance products

Alternative to classic forms of saving, incorporating various financial products for everyone to find tool to achieve his/her objectives.

Structured products

Innovative, „tailor-made" products facilitating investments in selected markets while maintaining full or partial capital guarantee.

Investment funds

Unlimited investment opportunities in form of an offer of funds diversified for potential earnings, risk level and time horizon.

Savings products

Wide range of standard term deposits with attractive interest rates in PLN and foreign currencies.

Credit for purchase of equities

Designed to finance purchase of equities offered on primary market or under IPO.

Credit line for purchase of securities

A convenient instrument to execute immediate transactions primarily on secondary market.

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