About the insurance

We offer you insurance of your property provided in cooperation with TU Europa S.A. as security for mortgage loan, and home equity loan.

Thanks to this insurance in All Risk formula your house or flat will be protected against damages in consequence of many situations, apart from events described in Insurer’s responsibilities exclusions.

To adjust scope of insurance to your needs you have two variants of insurance cover – Standard Variant and Super Variant, in which you can also protect household movables and glass items.

Furthermore, in both variants TU Europa S.a. offers Third Party Liability protection cover and in case of unexpected failures at insureds property comprehensive support under Home Assistance insurance.

The insurance premium is paid in monthly instalments – 0,0075% of property value for Standard Variant, and 0,09% of property value for Super Variant including insurance cover for household movables and glass items.

Minimal formalities related to the property insurance!

  • You should just declare your intent to take out the insurance when filing your mortgage loan application at Bank Millennium's branch and submit Insurance application in order to conclude insurance agreement – you do not need to submit additional documents or fulfil additional requirements.
  • You can also apply for insurance during mortgage repayment – all you need to do is to contact our employee at Bank Millennium branch.
  • We perform all the actions related to the insurance benefit assignment agreement required for mortgage loan collateral purposes and continuation of the insurance together with the loan – you will not have to submit your current policy every year and to remember the payment term.

Marketing Material

Detailed principles of granting insurance cover by the Insurer – TU Europa S.A., including information about exclusions of insurers liability, are stipulated in the Insurance General Terms & Conditions “Nieruchomości pod ochroną”.

A summary of essential product features are contained in the Product Card – Nieruchomości pod ochroną.

The Insurance Agreement shall be concluded by the Customer with the Insurers via Insurance Agents Bank Millennium SA (hereinafter: “the Bank”) and Europa Millennium Financial Services Sp. z o.o.

Bank Millennium S.A. with head office in Warsaw ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2A acting in the capacity of insurance agent on behalf of multiple insurance companies. The Bank is listed under No. 11162860/A in the Register of Insurance Agents kept by Polish Financial Supervision Authority (https://rpu.knf.gov.pl/).

Europa Millennium Financial Services sp. z o. o. with head office in Wrocław ul. Generała Władysława Sikorskiego 26, 53-659, acting in the capacity of insurance agent on behalf of multiple insurance companies. Europa Millennium Financial Services is listed under no. RA 11256036/A A in the Register of Insurance Agents kept by Polish Financial Supervision Authority (https://rpu.knf.gov.pl/).

Each agent has a proxy issued by Insurer to act on their behalf, and their employees performing agency activities have power of attorney issued by Agent.

Detailed information about the Agent’s activity, including fee information, principles for filing claims and complaints, and out-of-court settlement of disputes can be found in the Product Cards concerning this insurance, including Insurance Agent information. Bank as an insurance agent has a proxy issued by Insurers to act on behalf of Insurers.

Additional products

Mortgage Loan

For the funds you get you can buy a flat of your dreams or fulfill your plan to build your own house.

Home Equity Loan

A loan you may use for any purpose you want! Holidays, car, education?

Life insurance

Ensure financial stability for you and your kin even at the most difficult times.

How to get

Filing a claim

In the event of an event covered by insurance, before taking any action on your own, contact the Emergency Center immediately by calling (+48 22) 203 75 00, open 24/7