Do you want to have everything in one place?

Now you can log in to Millenet and conveniently send transfers from other banks

Check service availabilityInitiate a domestic transfer

Do you have accounts in other banks?

Now you can send transfers from other banks directly in Millenet. Bank Millennium is the first bank to offer this feature to Clients.

  • Familiar process

    You fill in a transfer form you know well. The whole process is transparent and intuitive.

  • Data verification

    We verify some of the details you enter so that you can avoid potential errors.

  • Better control

    You can have all transfers in one place, in Millenet in Payments > Initiated payments.

How to start

What you can do to check in Millenet your account from other bank

  1. 1
    How to start -

    Log in to Millenet, scroll down to the 360° Finance tile and follow the instructions to add account from other bank.

  2. 2
    How to start -

    In Millenet you will now see the tile with your account from other bank. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the tile.

  3. 3
    How to start -

    On the back of the tile you will see Domestic transfer option. Click on it to make a transfer from this account.

You don't see Domestic transfer feature on the back of the tile? That means that transfer from this account might not yet be possible. What is more, you can currently order a domestic transfer from an account in PLN currency in PKO BP, ING Bank Śląski, Santander Bank Polska, Pekao SA, Alior Bank and mBank (excluding own transfers).

How to make a transfer

Initiating a transfer from an account in other bank is super simple

Initiating a transfer from an account in other bank is super simple

  1. On the back of the tile with the account from other bank select Domestic transfer option.
  2. Enter transfer details, accept agreements and click Next.
  3. Log in to the other bank and authorize the transfer. In Millenet you will see the confirmation.

You can now check all your transfers ordered this way in one section: Payments > Initiated payments.

Questions and answers

  • The payment initiation service (PIS) makes it possible for you to order a transfer from an account held at another bank directly through Millenet.

  • Currently you can order (initiate) a domestic transfer in PLN with a present date.

  • You can now initiate a domestic transfer from an account in PLN currency:

    • in PKO BP
    • in mBank (excluding transfers in between Client's own accounts)
    • in ING Bank Śląski
    • in Pekao SA
    • in Alior Bank
    • in Santander Bank Polska
  • You will see all transfers that you have initiated on the list of initiated transfers after selecting Payments> Initiated payments. You'll see transfers that have already been made by another bank in the history of the account from which the transfer was made.

  • Bank Millennium offers the service free of charge. The fee for making such a transfer may be charged by the bank maintaining the account from which the transfer is made. However, it will be the same as if the transfer had been made directly in the bank's online banking. Another bank cannot charge additional fees for the fact that a transfer was initiated through Bank Millennium.

  • Thanks to the latest technologies and additional authorization elements, using the service is completely secure. The entire process of initiating a transfer from another bank is in accordance with the provisions of the PSD2 Directive.