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Update the browserAttractive insurance “Pożyczka pod ochroną” (Loan under protection) will ensure comprehensive support for you and your family in numerous unexpected circumstances.
If, at the time of concluding the insurance agreement, you are under 65, the insurance is available to you in Option 1 and will provide support in such situations as:
Insurer will also allow you to receive second medical opinion in foreign medical facility.
The insurance package will provide protection in all of the above events and will change automatically depending on your professional situation and current pension rights.
If you are over 65 at the time of concluding the insurance agreement, the insurance is available to you in Option 2 and will provide support in situations such as:
Insurer will also allow you to receive second medical opinion in foreign medical facility
* The scope of protection in force when retirement or disability pension rights are acquired
Concluding an insurance agreement is easy and quick!
For your convenience, the premium is added to the loan amount.
The insurance is offered in cooperation with Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Europa S.A. and Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie Europa S.A.
Do you know that you can lower your cash loan interest rate with insurance?
According to the current Cash Loan Price List the conclusion of the Safe Loan insurance agreement in Option 1 and the indication of the Bank as entitled to all benefits under the insurance agreement will reduce the interest rate on your loan. If you conclude an insurance contract in Option 1 at the time of concluding your cash loan agreement the Bank's commission for granting the loan will also be reduced. Cash Loan - you can find the details of the current offer here
Detailed rules for granting insurance coverage by Insurers - Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Europa S.A. and Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie Europa S.A. including information on liability exclusions are included in the Loan under protection Terms and Conditions. A summary of significant product features is included in the Product Card – Loan under protection.
The Insurance Agreement shall be concluded by the Customer with the Insurers via Bank Millennium SA (hereinafter: “the Bank”), and Europa Millennium Financial Service (hereinafter: “EMFS”) acting in the capacity of insurance agents on behalf of multiple insurance companies. The Bank is listed under No. 11162860/A in the Register of Insurance Agents kept by Polish Financial Supervision Authority, EMFS is listed under No. 11256036/A in the Register of Insurance Agents kept by Polish Financial Supervision Authority ( Detailed information about the Bank’s and EMFS’s activity as insurance agent required by the Act on insurance distribution, including fee information, principles for filing claims and complaints, and out-of-court settlement of disputes can be found in the Product Cards concerning this insurance, including Insurance Agent information. Bank and EMFS as an insurance agents have a proxy issued by Insurers to act on behalf of Insurers.
Fast, easy and inexpensive. A simple way to carry out your plans.
Save money by replacing several instalments paid to many banks with a single lower instalment.
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