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Bank Millennium invites you to participate in the competition "Win yourself a bank - open a partner branch with us"

A nationwide competition has been launched under the slogan "Win yourself a bank - open a partner branch with us", in which the winner will join the group of Bank Millennium franchise partners. The main prize in the competition is comprehensive fit-out for a partner bank branch and a cash bonus.

- To participate in the competition we encourage people who have an idea, initiative and willingness to run their own business, and need funds to start. We want the business investment costs not to be an obstacle to action – said Krystian Kasia, Director of the Franchise and POS Loans Department. – We are a reliable and stable business partner. Currently, we have nearly 120 partners who operate almost 240 franchise outlets. We are developing not only the network of partner branches, but also the product offer that is offered in them. Importantly, starting cooperation with the bank does not require any special preparation or specialist banking knowledge. Our training system is extensive and comprehensive, so the new partner will have the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge. The branch operation idea, proactivity and commitment are of key importance to us – added Krystian Kasia.

Any adult can take part in the competition, they do not need to have experience in banking or running a business. They can be both an entrepreneur and a person planning to open a business or interested in running a bank branch under a franchise agreement. The competition is also addressed to people for whom the estimated amount of the investment may be an obstacle to the cooperation with the bank.

To take part in the competition, you need to prepare in electronic form your concept of running a partner branch of Bank Millennium and send it to Then, the Competition Jury will select the applications that best meet the business expectations. In the next step, the Jury will invite the authors of the selected applications to one-on-one meetings to discuss the submitted ideas, and on this basis the winners will be selected.

The first prize winner will receive from Bank Millennium the full fit-out for a two-station branch and a financial “start-up” bonus. The runner up and the third place in the competition will receive a financial “start-up” bonus. All winners gain access to the proven know-how of running a partner bank branch, stability of cooperation, a wide range of banking products and services for retail and corporate clients, as well as managerial support at every stage of the cooperation.

Competition Schedule

  • The competition runs from October 19, 2023 to March 31, 2024.
  • The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2024.
  • Meetings with the authors of the best competition applications will be held until February 29, 2024.
  • The results of the competition will be announced by March 15, 2024.
  • The opening of the Competition Branch should take place by the end of June 2024.

All the information you need to prepare your competition application, the course of the competition, as well as the list of preferred locations for the opening of a partner branch, can be found at this linklink otwiera się w nowym oknie and in the regulationslink otwiera się w nowym oknie.