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Poland–Portugal–Angola–Brazil–Mozambique Business Forum

On the 17th June 2016, took place the Poland-Portugal-Angola-Brazil-Mozambique Business Forum. The event was organized by the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, with the support of the Embassies of Portugal, Angola and Brazil in Warsaw, and the Embassy of Mozambique in Berlin. Bank Millennium is one of the sponsors of the event. The Forum has the Honorary Patronage of the Ministry of Economic Development of Poland.

- I hope that Polish entrepreneurs will benefit from the sharing of experience at today’s forum. In many areas our economies are on the same development path and we would like to develop as fast as possible. Foreign expansion is of the elements of Deputy Prime Minister Morawiecki’s Plan for Responsible Development. We want to support Polish companies on the African, Brazilian and Portuguese markets – said Jadwiga Emilewicz, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Development, opening the conference.

- We initiated the Forum in order to acquaint Polish entrepreneurs with the growing potential of the Portuguese-speaking countries. The event, due to its scale, is of significant economic importance and is valuable source of information and business links for all participants. A very important element of the Agenda of the Forum will be the presentations of Polish companies who succeeded through direct investments or exporting on those markets. – comments Joao Bras Jorge, President of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce nad Bank Millennium. – Our intention is that the Poland-Portugal-Angola-Brazil-Mozambique Business Forum becomes a recurring event in future.

The Poland-Portugal-Angola-Brazil-Mozambique Business Forum took place on the 17th June 2016 at the Ministry of Economic Development of Poland. The event, organized by the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, with the support of the Embassies of Portugal, Angola and Brazil in Warsaw, and the Embassy of Mozambique in Berlin, has the Honorary Patronage of the Ministry of Economic Development of Poland, Polish Chamber of Commerce and Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency.

-The Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce supports business relations not only among Polish and Portuguese companies – says Wojciech Baczyński, Secretary General of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce.

– In 2013 the PPCC created the international Regional Representations system, in order to help Chamber’s member companies develop international relations in South America, Africa and Central Eastern Europe (CEE). The objective is to facilitate our member companies to start activity or to acquire new business contacts on foreign markets. We believe that in the future these markets will become more and more attractive for potential investors. – he adds.

The Poland-Portugal-Brazil-Angola-Mozambique Business Forum is directed to Polish companies interested in investments or trade exchange with the Portuguese-speaking countries. The main objective of the event is to present these mentioned markets, the business opportunities and to get acquainted with examples of successful Polish companies present on the above mentioned markets.

Apart from the panels related to investment potential of the Portuguese-speaking countries and the case studies, during the Forum it will be presented the PPCC publication: „Doing business in Portuguese-speaking countries: Portugal. Angola. Brazil. Mozambique” – a compendium in Polish with basic information about doing business in the mentioned countries. The publication was prepared by the law firm RFF & Associados, financed by Bank Millennium and published by the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce.

For more information, please contact:

Małgorzata Goreń, Operations Manager, Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce


Tel: 504 00 95 96


Iwona Jarzębska, Public Relations Director, Bank Millennium

Tel: 22 598 10 22


Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) was founded in March 2008 in Warsaw as independent, non-profit organization. The PPCC sets out to promote the bilateral economic relations between Poland, Portugal and Portuguese-speaking countries. The Chamber of Commerce offers support in the establishment of commercial contacts, match-making, ad hoc legal advice, organization of individual and group trade missions, market research, training, recruitment services as well as various Member2Member opportunities, discounts. The PPCC is composed of Polish companies with Portuguese capital and other Polish and international companies with interests on the Portuguese-speaking markets. Since May 2016, the President of the PPCC is Mr. João Brás Jorge, President of the Board of Bank Millennium.