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Bank Millennium the best in the service quality!

Bank Millennium awarded the Golden Bank 2023 title for the best multi-channel service quality in the Golden Banker 2023 ranking.

- I am very happy. We have received an important award for our bank as we get it for the best quality and customer service. This is the result of the work and cooperation of everyone - employees of our branches, call center, e-banking and other areas of the bank. People are the key to such success, and it is possible thanks to looking at our processes from the client's perspective, which we have been doing for many years. I would like to thank all the employees for their commitment said Joao Bras Jorge, Chairman of the Management Board of Bank Millennium, commenting on the bank's win.

According to the ranking organizers, Bank Millennium is a bank from the very top, and the award was granted for persistent and systematic efforts on continuous improvement of the service. Bank Millennium was on the podium in all the categories that make up the main prize, and it was the best in two of them. The Bank Millennium info-line turned out to be unbeatable, the best for the third year in a row, which this and last year had a score of over 90 percent, which, according to the organizers, is a difficult record to break. E-mail/chat correspondence was also rated highly. The victory in the ranking was also determined by the very high position of the service in the bank's own branches. Branch employees of the best banks understand clients and their needs, ask the right questions and conduct conversations in a way that makes the customer feel the centre of their attention. They clearly present the offer and have the ability to deal with client doubts about security.

- Our victory is even more important because the ranking is multi-level - it checks not only how the bank operates in different channels, but also how it cares for different groups of clients. It combines two perspectives - that of a new and a current customer. This is a more difficult test for the bank, because it must provide high quality and equally good experiences on many levels. A bank that cares about its current customer as well as about the one it only wants to acquire, devotes to the client its time, resources, and attention – it shows higher maturity in quality. This ultimately translates into customer loyalty says Magdalena Suchanek, Director of the Quality Department at Bank Millennium.

"Golden Banker" is the largest survey of the banking sector in Poland, organized by and "Puls Biznesu". A comprehensive survey of the service quality is carried out by the Minds & Roses agency. The objective of the ranking is to identify those banking institutions which provide the highest standards of service quality, offering the best products and carrying out activities that stand out from the competition.