Trusted Profile

Your electronic signature for dealing with public administration

Trusted Profile - your electronic signature

Trusted Profile is a free of charge method of confirming your identity in public administration websites. It also replaces your handwritten signature on official documents. This means that you can handle many administrative matters without leaving home.

You can create the Trusted Profile through Millennium ID.

How to create a Trusted Profile

  1. 1

    Use the button below. We will transfer you to the Trusted Profile website. Choose Bank Millennium as an identity provider.


  2. 2

    You will create a Trusted Profile by confirming your details from Millennium ID. If you are using it for the first time, we will create Środek Identyfikacji Elektronicznej for you.

  3. 3

    Confirm the transfer of your data to the Trusted Profile in order to create it. And it is done!

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