Sales do not end with contract and processed order – payment is crucial.

Securing payments

You know well that it is worth looking everywhere, also abroad, for opportunities for business development. Establishing relations with a new contractor, particularly from abroad, is always accompanied by some degree of uncertainty. A new contractor can possibly operate in a different economic and legal environment and a different payment culture. Our solutions will guarantee that you receive payment for the goods you ship.

On the other hand, if you co-operate mainly with domestic businesses, we offer solutions that will make bank act as creditor to your contractors, which can substantially improve their payment discipline.

Managing receivables

If you co-operate with a large number of recipients who frequently execute payments to your account, it is crucial to quickly identify both the payer and payment itself. This enables you to faster release sales limits to your recipients and you instantly know when there appear difficulties with payments of receivables.

It is very important to obtain from sales exactly what you planned. If you make settlements with your recipients in foreign currencies, and you make most of your payables in PLN, secure settlement exchange rate at the moment of making sales. 

Securing transaction settlements

Security and trust represent the foundations of quality business relations. In order to increase security and trust, bank can act as a fiduciary responsible for making payments to the company after criteria specified in the agreement are met. This gives you certainty of receiving payments in due amount and in due time.

Right products to meet your needs

Export letter of credit

Ensure that your counterparty does not resign from the agreement. No matter what his financial standing is, you will be paid for the goods shipped or services performed.

Custody services

Adjust custody services to meet the needs and specificity of your company.

FX forward

Define the future FX rate today and get a hedge against the risk of deterioration of financial result.

FX Option

Hedge the maximum or minimum future FX rate and avoid the risk of deterioration of financial result.


Safety of transactions and secured financial liquidity.

Automatic Identification of Incoming Payments

Automatic identification of the payer and of the payments, improvement of income verfication.

Need more informations?

Corporate Branch

Get detailed information about Bank Millennium products by contacting Advisors in the Corporate Banking network.

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Our Consultants will provide you with detailed information and will carry out your instructions. 

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