About the insurance

Pakiet Bardzo Pomocny (Very Helpful Package) combines household and medical assistance. You may use 7 instances of assistance within insurance year and in case of joint accounts it is a joint limit for all the Account Holders.

In order to use specialised technical assistance in case of problems with consumer electronics/household appliances/personal computers, theft with robbery, damaged locks, loss of keys, flooding, fire or another fortuitous event, or medical assistance for you or your child in case of personal accident or medical emergency, you just have to call Europ Assistance Emergency Centre: (+48 22) 203 75 00.

In our offer, Pakiet Bardzo Pomocny is free for 3 months from the date of opening the account and afterwards the insurance premium is 4,98 PLN per month, accrued in accordance with the principles described in the pricelist.

Feel free to activate your Pakiet Bardzo Pomocny at your nearest Bank Millennium branch.

Household assistance

Pakiet Bardzo Pomocny gives you access to specialised technical assistance in case of damaged locks, loss of keys or problems with consumer electronics/household appliances/personal computers and mobile devices. Furthermore, the Insurer will cover the costs of purchase of mobile devices i.e.: smartphone, laptop or tablet, should your equipment be stolen from your home. In case of flooding, fire or another fortuitous event, you will get access to assistance of electrician, plumber, glazier, heating technician, roofer.

The Insurer covers the costs of services of the professionals who come to your home to offer their assistance and you finance only the costs of the necessary spare parts or accessories.

Medical assistance

Thanks to medical assistance you do not need to worry about your and your child's health. In case of medical emergency or personal accident, the Insurer will arrange and pay for doctor and nurse house calls, transport to and from hospital, and will deliver medicines and rehabilitation equipment. In case of hospitalisation, the Insurer will provide you inter alia with house keeper or support during your convalescence.

Special care will cover your children – in case of personal accident, medical emergency or hospitalisation, the Insurer will provide you inter alia with doctor or nurse house calls, transport to and from hospital and in case of personal accident of your child – with private lessons, whereby your children will be able to catch up on their school work. Furthermore, Pakiet Bardzo Pomocny gives you access to medical hotline, second medical opinion, medical consultation over the phone and Tele-Maluch service.

Additional products

Prestige World Account

World class banking service and access to privileges, which provide comfort in daily life and in travel.

How to get

Filing a claim

In the event of an event covered by insurance, before taking any action on your own, contact the Emergency Center immediately by calling (+48 22) 203 75 00, open 24/7