About the account

Millennium 360 Prestige account is maintained free of charge to all customers with external monthly inflows to the account of at least 20,000 PLN or with assets in the Bank Millennium Group amounting to min. 200,000 PLN. In the case when none of the conditions above is met, the account maintenance will cost 50 PLN/month.
Fees, interest rates and other details of the account offer are contained in the price lists for commissions and fees, debit cards, interest rates and in the General Regulations for Provision of Banking Services to Individuals in Bank Millennium S.A., available in the Bank’s branches and on the Price lists and Regulations website. The Cashback service, available through the e-banking service - mobile app or Millenet, is provided by Millennium Goodie Sp. z o.o. in cooperation with Bank Millennium SA. and involves the refund of some of online spending in programme partner shops to the payment account (Millennium 360) in the bank. After collecting at least 21 cashback points, the customer can withdraw them in cash to his bank account. Details in the “Regulations on Using the goodie.pl Platform by users”, available on www.bankmillennium.pl