
Do you have an account in Bank Millennium? Check out how much you will gain when you decide to have your salary transferred to your account in our Bank.

With regular inflows managing finances, planning the budget and controlling expenses will be easier.

You do not have to remember to feed your account regularly in order to use it free of charge.

You can get personalised credit product proposals – within a few minutes, without unnecessary formalities and with generous terms and conditions.

If you have loans you do not need to remember to pay instalments – on dates you define the instalments will be paid from your account.

You can get texts with information that your salary has been credited on your account.

How to apply

Transferring your salary or benefit (e.g. a pension) to Bank Millennium is very simple. If you want we can help you with it and will take care of all formalities completely free of charge.

You can do it yourself


    Print out and fill in the order, which you will find here.


    Give it to your employer or benefit provider (e.g. ZUS).

Or we will do it for you


    Call TeleMillennium 801 331 331 and place the order. You can also place the order in any Millennium branch – at any time, also when opening the account.


    Our consultant will prepare a letter, which will be mailed on your behalf to your employer or benefit provider.