Learn how you can take care of your online security

Watch videos created under the "Bankers for Education" Program (in Polish)

Choose trusted online stores

Don't share BLIK code

Check the website address, before you log in

Don't get fooled on selling websites

"Bank employee" scheme

Be careful with links in e-mails and short messages

Protect your payment card details

Verify unusually profitable investments

Scammers hunt for your personal details - don't help them

Set strong passwords

Read authorization notifications carefully

Watch out for public wi-fi

Safe computer and smartphone

Material produced under the "Bankers for Education" Program in cooperation with the Banking Cyber ​​Security Center and over 20 banks as part of a joint educational campaign in the field of cybersecurity, safe use of electronic banking and online stores, popularization of non-cash payments and the role of clearing agents.

Are you a victim of fraud or want to report suspicious situation?

  1. Write to us

    Fill in the form
  2. or call security helpline