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Even greater customer protection in Bank Millennium

Bank Millennium is implementing new solutions to counteract the effects of identity theft and the resulting extortion of money. It verifies whether the PESEL number used to identify natural persons is restricted.

Restricting the PESEL number is to improve the process of protecting identity and reduce the effects of its possible theft. In connection with changes in the law, from June this year, financial institutions will be obliged to verify whether the consumer's PESEL number has not been restricted in the register of restrictions of PESEL numbers of the Ministry of Digital Affairs. Bank Millennium is implementing solutions thanks to which, through a direct connection with the register, it will verify the data of persons applying for e.g. a credit or a loan, opening a personal or savings account and withdrawing cash in a bank branch (when the amount exceeds three times the minimum wage).

- When implementing new solutions, we tried to do everything to ensure that the convenience of our customer service in all channels of contact with the bank did not suffer. If the customer has restricted the PESEL number and a given banking activity requires it to be unblocked, they will be able to make such a change in real time, i.a. in the mObywatel application – explains Magdalena Jaskóła, Head of the Current Accounts Sub-unit at Bank Millennium.

The purpose of the new solutions is to protect consumers against concluding a contract by persons who are unauthorised or manipulated by cybercriminals. If someone tries to take out a loan or credit using a restricted PESEL number, during data verification they will encounter a blockade in the system and the activity will be stopped. The new solutions also have an impact on the functioning of the bank's mobile application, which is why users are encouraged to update it to the latest available version.