Bank Millennium awarded for ESG activities by the UN Global Compact

UN Global Compact Network Poland (UN GCNP) awarded Bank Millennium for its activities for sustainable development. The award was granted at the annual United Nations Day Gala, during which the publication of UNGC Poland - Yearbook 2023 also premiered.
- At Bank Millennium, we believe that only by working together can we build a better, more sustainable world. That is why we actively share our experiences and support many initiatives for climate protection and sustainability. I am proud to accept this award, which confirms the rightness of our actions and directions set for the future. I cordially encourage you to read the latest UN GCNP - Yearbook 2023, which is a great tool for drawing inspiration and a source of best practices for actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals – said Magdalena Trzynadlowska, Director of the Sustainability Office at Bank Millennium.
Bank Millennium received an award from the UN GCNP in recognition of its commitment to climate protection and promoting sustainability for the sake of future generations. The award also includes effective cooperation within the framework of programmes implemented by the UN GCNP.
Bank Millennium treats actions for climate protection and sustainability as a priority and puts them on an equal footing with business objectives. Our strategic goals include, inter alia, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting our customers in their decarbonisation efforts. The Bank actively works to minimise the environmental impact of its operations as much as possible. At the same time, we have been supporting the financing of pro-ecological and energy-saving projects for many years, including those related to the replacement of coal-fired energy by low-emission energy sources and modern energy infrastructure.
In 2022, Bank Millennium initiated the creation of a report illustrating the eco-innovation of individual regions of Poland. In cooperation with substantive partners: the Polish Patent Office, the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków and the Warsaw School of Economics, it built an index reflecting ecological and environmental aspects. In this way, the report "Millennium Eco-index – eco-innovation potential of regions" was created, which illustrates the involvement of Polish regions in green transformation.
The Yearbook 2023 presents primarily the activities of the UN Global Compact Network Poland and good practices of business associated in the UNGC for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. In the latest publication of the UNGC NP Yearbook 2023, you can read the commentary of the CEO of Bank Millennium on the most important activities of the bank in the area of sustainable development. The publication is available herelink otwiera się w nowym oknie.