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First issue of Bank Millennium’s green bonds

Bank Millennium has completed the subscription of its first green bonds with a nominal value of EUR 500 million. The bonds will be issued under the existing EMTN programme as 5-year senior non-preferred debt.

See more -First issue of Bank Millennium’s green bonds

Bank Millennium the best in remote channels

In this year's second wave of the Institution of the Year ranking survey organized by the portal, concerning accounts for children, Bank Millennium was recognized as the best in remote service.

See more -Bank Millennium the best in remote channels

mSzafir electronic signature now available in fully remote mode for Bank Millennium retail clients

Bank Millennium customers gain a new option of remote identity confirmation and signing documents online. The Bank, together with KIR, has made available the possibility of using the mSzafir mobile qualified electronic signature.

See more -mSzafir electronic signature now available in fully remote mode for Bank Millennium retail clients

Bank Millenium has expanded its cooperation with BGK and will soon offer companies loans secured by the Investmax guarantee

Bank Millennium has concluded a portfolio guarantee line agreement with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) under the InvestEU Program. Consequently, the Bank's customers from the small and medium-sized enterprise segment will be able to take advantage of the new Investmax guarantee. It will facilitate entrepreneurs' access to working capital and investment loans.

See more -Bank Millenium has expanded its cooperation with BGK and will soon offer companies loans secured by the Investmax guarantee

Bank Millennium among the institutions with the best customer service in Europe

Bank Millennium was listed among the top 10 banks in Europe in terms of customer experience. It was ranked high in the report "The European Banking CX Index" developed by the prestigious Forrester.

See more -Bank Millennium among the institutions with the best customer service in Europe

Children in the world of finance

Young people are most likely to pay with BLIK and actively use the banking app on their smartphones. The beginning of the school year is a great opportunity to open an account for your child and teach them how to manage their money.

See more -Children in the world of finance

More and more business clients in Bank Millennium

Bank Millennium exceeded the number of 150 thousand active micro business clients. Thus, it has significantly ahead of schedule achieved another key goal of its strategy for 2022-24 “Inspired by people". Previously, it had already announced that it had exceeded 3 million active retail clients and 90% of active digital clients.

See more -More and more business clients in Bank Millennium

The Bank Millennium Foundation's grant programme – Our People'24: Save the Planet eco-volunteering – is launched

The sporting goal was achieved. Employees of the Bank Millennium Group are starting the next part of the largest sports and volunteering campaign. The Bank Millennium Foundation will allocate PLN 250 thousand for the promotion and implementation of eco-initiatives for the good of the Planet and local communities.

See more -The Bank Millennium Foundation's grant programme – Our People'24: Save the Planet eco-volunteering – is launched

Bank Millennium is again the best digital bank in Poland according to Global Finance Magazine

In this year’s edition of the World’s Best Digital Banks competition by Global Finance Magazine, Bank Millennium was again hailed The Best Consumer Digital Bank in Poland. The bank was also recognised as the best in as many as 13 other categories, concerning both services for individual customers and companies.

See more -Bank Millennium is again the best digital bank in Poland according to Global Finance Magazine

Bank Millennium supports Paralympians for the fourth time already

Paralympians are going to the Olympics in Paris. 84 Polish athletes will compete for medals, including all scholarship holders of the final edition of the #CorinneRunsForGood campaign. Bank Millennium has been supporting this unique project of Martyna Wojciechowska's Unaweza foundation for 4 years.

See more -Bank Millennium supports Paralympians for the fourth time already