About the product

By using closed withdrawal with delivery option service, you can request cash to be transported directly to your company.

The service is distinguished among other types of withdrawals by the fact that the Bank, undertaking to deliver requested cash to your company, accepts full responsibility for transported funds. The cash is delivered in a safe envelope by security guards of an external company cooperating with the Bank and upon acceptance the cash is not required to be counted.


  • Risk connected with cash delivery to your company is borne by the Bank. Your Staff will not face the risk connected with cash transport.
  • You will minimise your cash turnover risk – by maintaining, in your company units, only amounts of cash required to finance current operations.
  • You will save time – funds will be delivered directly to your company location.



Channels of access to product information


Wherever you are, with internet access, you can check account balances and history on a 7/24 basis, also viewing information concerning other products i.e.: cards, loans, guarantees and letters of credit, standing orders or term deposits.

Corporate Branch

Get detailed information about Bank Millennium products by contacting Advisors in the Corporate Banking network.

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By phone

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