About the product

In reverse factoring the Bank manages your company's liabilities and payables simultaneously taking over the risk of their non-repayment. Within this product, the Bank settles your company's payables payments for liabilities due to suppliers . This type of factoring enables your company to delay payments term even up to 180 days and negotiate better terms of payment in return for settling your payables on time (or earlier).


  • This type of factoring carries a number of advantages both for your company and your suppliers.
  • Depending on the adopted solution you have the possibility to obtain longer terms of payment from your suppliers thanks to indicating to them the source of financing or discounts for earlier payments.
  • Suppliers receive a guarantee of obtaining financing prior to the payment date or on payment date at the latest, simultaneously transferring to the Bank the risk of default. Moreover, they gain access to financing without the necessity of examining their financial condition and credit capacity.

Support for companies

Bank Millennium and the EIB Group (European Investment Bank and European Investment Fund) support small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the effects of COVID-19.

Thanks to this cooperation and with the support of the European Guarantee Fund you will:

  • get funds for working capital
  • increase the financial liquidity of your company
  • increase your investment potential
  • receive favorable financial conditions

Who can benefit from this solution?

  1. Entrepreneur from the SME segment according to the EU definition.
  2. An entrepreneur who does not operate in sectors excluded from the support of the European Investment Bank.
  3. An entrepreneur whose activities and investments do not have a negative impact on the environment and are not ethically and morally controversial.
  4. An entrepreneur who does not benefit from other public aid, e.g. BGK guarantees, subsidies.
  5. An entrepreneur who obtains a positive creditworthiness assessment.

Detailed information can be obtained from the Corporate Banking Advisor.



Channels of access to product information


Wherever you are, with internet access, you can check account balances and history on a 7/24 basis, also viewing information concerning other products i.e.: cards, loans, guarantees and letters of credit, standing orders or term deposits.
At any time, in a safe and convenient way, using a functional internet application WEB Faktor, you may register invoices, check factoring settlements' status and generate reports showing status of given receivables.

Corporate branch

Get detailed information about Bank Millennium products by contacting Advisors in the Corporate Banking network.

Contact with Advisor

By phone

Our Consultants will provide you with detailed information and will carry out your instructions. 

801 31 31 31
line available for fixed-line and mobile calls

Related products

Current account

Effectively manage financial flows in a company and benefit from the Bank's comprehensive product range.

Current account overdraft facility

Adjust incomes on your account to have money to cover various payments connected with the day-to-day operation of your business.

Working capital loan

Get extra funding to cover liabilities resulting from financing working assets.

Revolving loan

Get additional money to pay your suppliers even more efficiently and be prepared for unexpected business expenses.

Export letter of credit

Ensure that your counterparty does not resign from the agreement.

Bank guarantee

An effective instrument to mitigate risk connected withcontract execution.