Employee Capital Pension Schemes

New long-term savings programme which aims to build up additional capital for retirement

What is it?

PPK - Employee Capital Pension Schemes

Employee Capital Pension Schemes (PPK) are a new voluntary and long-term savings programme for Employees, which aims to build up additional capital for a pension.

Enrollment of Employees for PPK

Enrollment for PPK will cover all persons employed aged 18-55. Employees aged 55-70 who want to take part in the programme must turn directly to the Employer with the proposal to conclude on their behalf an agreement on running a PPK. Ultimately, each Employer employing at least one person will be required to conclude a contract for the management of a PPK with a selected financial institution within the deadlines specified in the law, depending on the size of employment.

Selection of PPK institution

The employer shall make the choice in agreement with the Employees’ representation or the company trade union on the basis of evaluation of: terms and conditions of management of funds accumulated in PPK proposed by the financial institutions; their effectiveness in managing assets as well as their experience in managing investment or pension funds, with a view to the employed persons’ best interests.

Aims of the programme

Aims of the programme

  • PPK complement the pension and increase financial security of Employees. They are co-financed by Employers, Employees and the State.
  • They are mandatory for Employers and voluntary for Employees; all Employees aged 18–55 employed under an employment agreement shall be automatically enrolled for PPK, but they can resign from it. No fees are charged for deposits, withdrawals and returns.
  • Money on the Employee’s account is private and inheritable.
  • The money may be withdrawn without capital gains tax after reaching the age of 60, regardless of professional activity status.
  • The institution managing the PPK shall be (after prior consultations) selected by the Employer and supervised by Polish Financial Supervision Authority.

Millennium TFI. Simply beneficial


  • We are a modern investment company with global reach and it is our aim to give Customers attractive and effective investment solutions and to provide them with professional service.
  • We demand a lot of ourselves and continue to monitor financial market to seek out opportunities and solutions, which are an attractive form of investing assets. The foundation of our activity is observance of standards of ethics and business as well as satisfying the needs and expectations of our Customers as best as we can.
  • We are guided by such values as professionalism, integrity, responsibility and innovation.


  • The Fund Managers are people with long-standing hands-on experience and excellent knowledge of financial markets. Many of them are licensed financial advisers.
  • A disciplined investment process and smart methods of selecting companies and securities give the Customers confidence that their assets are managed in a professional way.
  • Millennium funds are managed with use of modern investment methods. As of 31.12.2022 140,000 Customers have given us their trust.


  • PPK Millennium TFI system is connected to Comarch system. Thanks to the Comarch PPK app, we ensure quick implementation and time savings with export and import as well as data verification by the employer. Comarch PPK also enables integration with other human resources systems via the API.
  • Employees get access to STI24 portal, where they can check the status of their funds collected in PPK.

The TFI assures security of money entrusted by customers to funds managed by the TFI in accordance with legal regulations applicable to the operation of mutual funds and mutual fund companies.


  • More stability ikona - więcej stabilności

    Employee Capital Pension Schemes may result in lower staff rotation and thus lower recruitment costs. Becoming an obligatory part of the benefits package for Employees, they will allow Employers to create their positive perception on the labour market.

  • Less formalities ikona - mniej formalności

    Administrative responsibilities were largely transferred to financial institutions.

  • Financial benefits ikona - korzyści finansowe

    Payments made by the Employer are not included in remuneration, which is the base for calculation of mandatory pension insurance contributions; additionally the cost of launching a PPK Programme in the company shall be tax deductible for the Employer.

  • Benefits for employees ikona - korzyści dla pracowników

    PPK offer greater financial security, better standard of living past the age of 60 and additional money from the Employer and additional payments from the State. The profit within the PPK scheme is free from capital gains tax and is inherited. The Employee can decide about increasing or decreasing additional payments to PPK.

Dates crucial for the Employer

  • icon - businesses employing at least 250 persons

    From 1 July 2019

    The obligation to create PPK shall apply to all businesses employing at least 250 persons.

    The employer will sign the agreement by the latest: 25.10.2019 Management Agreement, 12.11.2019 Operation Agreement - first payments to PPK are made from the first salary after the date of signing the Operation Agreement

  • icon - employing from 50 to 249 employees

    From 1 January 2020

    The obligation to create PPK shall apply to companies employing from 50 to 249 employees.

    The employer will sign the agreement by the latest: 27.10.2020 Management Agreement, 10.11.2020 Operation Agreement - first payments to PPK are made from the first salary after the date of signing the Operation Agreement

  • icon - companies employing at least 20 persons

    From 1 July 2020

    The obligation to create PPK shall apply to companies employing at least 20 persons.

    The employer will sign the agreement by the latest: 27.10.2019 Management Agreement, 10.11.2020 Operation Agreement - first payments to PPK are made from the first salary after the date of signing the Operation Agreement

  • icon - remaining Employers

    From 1 January 2021

    The obligation to create PPK shall apply to remaining Employers.

    The employer will sign the agreement by the latest: 23.04.2021 Management Agreement, 10.05.2021 Operation Agreement - first payments to PPK are made from the first salary after the date of signing the Operation Agreement

How to set it up?

  1. 1
    How to set it up? -

    Selection of financial institution after entering it in the PPK Register

  2. 2
    How to set it up? -

    Signing of agreement on management of the PPK

  3. 3
    How to set it up? -

    Setting up an account and registration of Employees